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7 Good Luck Feng Shui Items To Keep In Your Home For Abundance And Positivity [Video]

Oil and Gas Industry News

The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui is concerned with the movement of energy, or “chi,” through our homes. On the other side, the ancient Indian architectural system known as Vastu strongly emphasises the value of keeping your living space balanced. Combining these two ways of thinking creates a house that is lucky and full of good energy. 

7 Good Luck Feng Shui Items For Abundance And Positivity 

1. Laughing Buddha 

It is believed that the Laughing Buddha, who is frequently shown with a positive attitude, would bring joy and optimism into your life. Place the Laughing Buddha in your living room or wherever you spend most of your time to bring laughter and joy into your everyday existence. 

2. Crystals 

Crystals have the ability to both transmit positive vibrations and absorb negative energy. Place crystals like amethyst, rose quartz, or clear quartz in various parts of your home to cleanse the energy there, paying …

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Foreign Interference in Canada: What we learned from NSICOP
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