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‘Anything you do, you do 100%’: Nebraska businessman Richard Hunt pushed for tech equity, clean air [Video]

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Everything Richard Hunt did, he did with maximum effort.

As a navigator and bombardier in the United States Air Force, Hunt never missed his target during drills, his son Dan said.

Richard Hunt’s drive and attention to detail he showed in the military carried over to his business career and being a visible community figure in Blair, Washington County and Omaha. Hunt maintained an active profile right up until his death at the age of 89 on Sunday.

“He believed that anything you do, you do 100%. You either do it right or you don’t do it at all,” Dan said.

After Richard completed his military service, he came back to Nebraska to work and lead the family telecommunications business HunTel. As the company’s chief engineer, Richard took on a pioneering role in carrying out several innovations for his family’s telecommunications company.

According to Dan, some of HunTel’s innovations include being the first company in Nebraska to bury all …

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