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Watchman Slapped 10 Imprisonment For Theft By Servant In Lilongwe [Video]

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The Principal Resident Magistrate court sitting at Lilongwe has convicted and sentenced a 24 year-=old man to 10 years imprisonment for stealing company property worth K6.5 million.

The court heard through Lilongwe Police Prosecutor, Sub Inspector Damiano Nyasulu,who identified the convict as Bizwick Kamanga.

According to Nyasulu,  Kamanga committed the offence between June 2021 and March 2022 at Tech International Factory, Njewa, where he was employed as a watchman.

Prosecutor Nyasulu further said that Kamanga stole from the company’s warehouse various property such as steel bars, electric wires, bags of red oxide, and ten genset batteries, among others.

Appearing in court, Kamanga pleaded not guilty to the offence of Theft by Servant, despite admitting the same during caution statement at police. However, the State paraded four witnesses including the convict’s wife who testified against her husband to prove the case.

In mitigation, the convict prayed for the court’s leniency when …

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