30% of Canadians face difficulties in navigating our healthcare system / MLI in Parliament
30% of Canadians face difficulties in navigating our healthcare system / MLI in Parliament
The world needs to win in Ukraine: Chris Alexander in the Globe and Mail

Orange County solar farm would be an economic, environmental and energy boon [Video]

Solar Energy News

I am writing to extend my enthusiastic endorsement for the proposed Sunfish Solar project. As a concerned citizen, I firmly believe that this initiative is crucial for advancing our community’s economic vitality, environmental sustainability and energy autonomy.

The Sunfish Solar project promises substantial economic benefits for our region. Beyond the employment opportunities generated during its construction phase, the project will bolster our local economy through increased tax revenues and infrastructural development. By embracing renewable energy, we can position our community as a leader in the burgeoning green economy, attracting further investment and fostering long-term prosperity.

Moreover, supporting the Sunfish Solar project is paramount for strengthening our energy independence and security. By diversifying our energy sources and reducing reliance on nonrenewable fuels, we mitigate risks associated with price volatility and external dependencies. Embracing sustainable energy solutions not only safeguards our environment but also fortifies our resilience against unforeseen disruptions to the …

"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
The next PM must remind Canada’s public servants who really runs the show: David Mulroney in the Hub