Delaying C-70 would be a gift to our adversaries / Richard Fadden / MLI in parliament
Delaying C-70 would be a gift to our adversaries / Richard Fadden / MLI in parliament
Can a Rule of Law-Based International Order be More than Just Rhetoric?: William Winberg and Stephen Nagy for AIIA

Nuclear power to be a ‘major fight’ until election: Paul Murray [Video]

Nuclear Energy News

Nuclear power to be a ‘major fight’ until election: Paul Murray

Sky News host Paul Murray says the issue of nuclear power will be a “major fight” between now and the next federal election.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton announced the Coalition’s nuclear policy last week, including the seven proposed sites for the nuclear reactors.

Paul Murray discusses the “blow-up and scare campaigns” about nuclear energy from the Albanese government.

Will UNDRIP be another broken promise to indigenous Canadians? / Ken Coates / MLI in Parliament
Will UNDRIP be another broken promise to indigenous Canadians? / Ken Coates / MLI in Parliament
Canada’s major news media have made their bed. Now they can lie in it: Peter Menzies in the Hub