Oil and Gas Industry News

ANDREW NEIL: Labour’s Net Zero policy is fantasy piled upon stupidity. It will end in tears long before 2030 – but not before your bills go through the roof [Video]

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Labour claims it will cut £300 from the average annual household energy bill by investing in supposedly cheaper renewable sources of energy. In the process it will ‘decarbonise’ the electricity grid so that by 2030 we won’t be using fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Thus the end of this decade is destined to be a milestone on the march to net zero emissions by 2050, when the use of fossil fuels to generate energy will be banished from our islands.

Even allowing for the tendency of politicians to be economical with the truth in election campaigns, this is quite a litany of bald-faced lies — a veritable wonderland of whoppers in which the truth is the opposite.

More renewable energy will not mean cheaper bills. The grid will not be decarbonised by 2030, no matter how much Labour spends trying to do it.

But the effect of this pointless, destined-to-fail …

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