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B12 in Celsius energy drinks is not made from human waste sludge [Video]

Hydrogen Power News

Videos showing 10X Health System founder Gary Brecka making this claim are inaccurate.

CLEVELAND — Today’s VERIFY is for people who drink Celsius energy drinks, which contain a version of vitamin b12 called cyanocobalamin.

In a video shared on TikTok, 10X Health System founder Gary Brecka is shown saying, “Have you heard of a Celsius energy drink? Celsius has four times the amount of cyanide that a human being is meant to ingest.”

He also claims, “These facilities that actually compound this B12, they don’t even pay for the hydrogen cyanide. You know where they get it? Human sewage treatment plants. It is the waste from a human sewage treatment plant. It’s called sludge. It’s foamy yellow sludge. They scrape it off the top, turn it into a powder, ship it to a facility, synthesize it with a metal, and put it in your vitamins.”


Our sources for fact-checking this video are:

  • Case Western …

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