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Biden Administration Balances Climate Action With Tough Stance on China [Video]

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President Joe Biden‘s administration is further restricting imports of clean-energy technology from China, adding some solar panels and their components to the list of tariffs on Chinese goods such as electric vehicles and batteries announced earlier this week.

The administration is seeking to balance two of Biden’s top priorities—bringing down greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change while building up U.S. clean-energy manufacturing such as solar.

“The impact of Chinese oversupply on U.S. investments in the solar market remains a challenging issue,” John Podesta, senior adviser to the president for international climate policy, said in a press briefing Wednesday.

The administration will immediately end an exemption on tariffs on two-sided, or bifacial, solar panels, Podesta said, adding that a recent trade report found a dramatic increase in imports of those panels, indicating that the exemption was being abused.

Surrounded by union members, President Joe Biden signs documents that increase tariffs on Chinese products. …

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