Wind Energy News

Bill seeks to allow offshore wind development despite being located near sand dunes | State [Video]

AUGUSTA– Last month, Governor Janet Mills unveiled Sears Island as her choice to develop an offshore wind facility. Now opponents of the project are accusing her of using legislation to sidestep environmental protections.

” Interesting, of course, is that the dunes are already protected under state law. And so it feels a bit contradictory for the state to then come in and say all of a sudden they’re not protected.” says Josh Kercsmar from Preserve Rural Maine

One of the issues being raised with Sears Island’s selection as an offshore wind port is the protected sand dunes that opponents say provide crucial habitat for animals and plants along the coast. A public hearing was held in the Environment and Natural Resources Committee for a bill that would allow the governor to move forward with her project as long as all other applicable permitting and licensing criteria are met.

“There’s been a …

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