Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Killer heat doesn’t boost mortality rate: Philip Cross in the Financial Post

Biomimicry breakthrough: Condor wings power turbines [Video]

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Nature often provides solutions to complex engineering problems, and researchers at the University of Alberta (U of A) have proven this once again. They’ve turned to the majestic Andean condor to find ways to make wind turbines more efficient. The result is a novel winglet, inspired by the condor’s wings, that can boost a turbine’s energy output by an average of 10%. The study was published in the journal Energy.

Nature’s aerodynamic master: The Andean Condor

The enormous Andean condor, native to the Andes mountain range in South America, is the largest flying bird on the planet. Its wingspan can reach a staggering 10 to 12 feet. Despite weighing up to 35 pounds, these birds of prey demonstrate extraordinary aerial prowess. They can …

Wake up, Canada. The world is a dangerous place.
Wake up, Canada. The world is a dangerous place.
Debunking Robert Reich’s debunking of economics: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post