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Canadas first-ever commercial electric flight takes off in B.C. [Video]

Canadian Energy Price News

It’s a historic day for Canadian aviation.

Sealand Flight, based in Campbell River, B.C., conducted Canada’s first-ever commercial flight in an electric aircraft on June 14.

Ian Lamont, a flying instructor, told Global News it’s a thrill and an honour.

He said that overall the main difference with this aircraft will be fuel cost.

“The price of fuel (aviation) gas today is over $80 an hour for the fuel burn in (a Cessna) 172. And this is going to be less than two dollars,” Lamont said.

He added they would like to convert their entire fleet to electric aircraft.

To mark the occasion, Sealand held a contest for students to tell them why they wanted to pilot an electric aircraft

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Edwin Clements, 15, from Campbell River won the contest.

“I wanted to do this because I personally want to fly planes,” he said. “That’s what I’ve kind of learned and am excited about now.”

Clements added that he …

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