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Canadians are hopeful shifting winds may push wildfire away from the oil sands hub of Fort McMurray WSOC TV [Video]

Oil and Gas Industry News

EDMONTON, Alberta — (AP) — Favorable winds are expected to push an “out of control” wildfire away from Canada’s oil sands hub of Fort McMurray, Alberta, officials said Wednesday, a day after thousands were evacuated.

Wildfire season has started early in Canada this year with several fires burning across the country’s west, forcing residents out of their homes.

The fire, which started last week, caused about 6,600 residents to flee parts of the southern end of Fort McMurray. The rest of the city remains on evacuation alert.

Earlier Wednesday, Regional Fire Chief Jody Butz told reports in Fort McMurray that “a large number of residents” also self-evacuated, adding that they could return home “if they live in those areas that are not under an (evacuation) order.”

Butz also said; “The fire is still out of control and in the next few days with the graces of some good weather that could change,” and that evacuation orders were likely to …

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