The future of US-Canada relations / Double Trouble: CNAPS at AEI
The future of US-Canada relations / Double Trouble: CNAPS at AEI
The next PM must remind Canada’s public servants who really runs the show: David Mulroney in the Hub

CATL launches world’s first longevity-promising energy storage system [Video]

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CATL, the world’s leading manufacturer of electric vehicle (EV) batteries, has made a significant stride in energy storage technology. The Chinese battery giant has unveiled the world’s first mass-producible energy storage system with extended lifespan and cost efficiency.

Named TENER, the new energy storage system promises zero degradation in both power and capacity during the first five years of its operation. It has been designed to resolve the issues that plague lithium-based batteries, with capacity loss being a major pain point.

Solving a long-standing problem

Diminishing battery capacity over time is a common frustrating issue for almost all smartphone and electric vehicle owners. 

These issues are quite common in lithium-based batteries. They often lose their ability as the time passes, leading to reduced performance …

Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
No reason for Canada to rush AI policy