Hydrogen Power News

Detroit summons trash-picking BeBot to clean Belle Isle beaches [Video]

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Launching this Earth Day, the BeBot robot will demonstrate its skills on Belle Isle Beach. Electric and remotely operated, the robot is the latest in litter removal technology and covers a lot of ground: 32,000 square feet in an hour. That’s less than an acre but still the size of a mega-mansion. 

At 932 acres, Belle Isle Beach is about 100 acres bigger than Central Park. Clean-up efforts are expected to continue into September.

The technologically advanced robot picks up waste such as bottles, food wrappers, cigarette butts, and plastic particles, according to a press release. As impressive as it is, it took an equally impressive and collaborative effort to build BeBot .

Building BeBot

Keep Belle Isle Beautiful (KBIB) was launched in 2017 …

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