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Grand Rapids Firefighters tackle fire at metal scrap yard [Video]

Battery Technology News

PADNOS Burton Recycling Center is a drop-off spot for those looking to get rid of scrap metal and batteries.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Firefighters are working to tamp down fire and smoke at a Grand Rapids scrap yard off of Burton Street SW near US 131 Tuesday afternoon. 

Crews were seen using a ladder truck in the firefighting effort. 

“Anytime you see a large column of smoke, it’s concerning. And our company officers are trained very well to recognize everything they see on the way to a call. So we have an experienced Lieutenant who saw the large column and realized that it was probably something more than what they could handle by themselves. So he called for reinforcements right away,” GRFD Battalion Chief Scott Stevenson said. 

When crews made it to the scrap yard, they did another assessment and rescued the crews at the scene. 

It was not immediately clear what started the fire. 

You could see the …

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