Climate Change News

Harnessing the power of women in digital marketing to drive awareness [Video]

Women are essential elements of both our family and society as they bring discipline and dignity in every area they work, look after their homes, and make sure that a healthy environment prevails in their families as well as the country they belong to.

It is therefore befitting of the old proverb that says “If you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”

To understand the ripple effect of women who are educated in digital marketing and how they can play vital roles in the fight against climate change I think you’ll find, as I have, that the world, countries, or communities can only reach its full potential in the fight against climate change.

Digital marketing which is now the fastest way to communicate and reach a larger audience, is the best tool to use in creating awareness of climate change.

However, more so rapidly if women in digital marketing can champion the awareness of climate change through …

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