Oil and Gas Industry News

ISO New England ensuring power grids not affected by Monday’s eclipse [Video]

As we prepare to witness the specter of the upcoming solar eclipse, there are some who are preparing for how it may affect local utilities and the power grid. Specifically those that rely on solar power for electricity. From Texas to Maine, including parts of northern Vermont and New Hampshire, a total eclipse of the sun with be both a spectacular stellar event and a well-prepared for event.“When the sun goes out, the lights don’t go out. That’s our main objective,” said Jon Gravelin from ISO New England.Gravelin runs control room operations for ISO New England. His team is responsible for balancing the supply and demand of electricity for Massachusetts and all of New England every minute of every day.But this Monday, ISO in Holyoke will have a different sort of interest in the solar eclipse.“What’s going to occur on that day is we’re going to get a rapid decrease …

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