Hydrogen Power News

Its nearly impossible to orient yourself [Video]

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) – While new technology and gear have made firefighters’ jobs safer over the years, it still comes with plenty of risks. But some situations can make their jobs even more dangerous.

The Cedar Rapids Assistant Fire Chief said hoarding impacts everyone from the homeowner, to family and friends and even neighbors.

On the surface it can look like those who are hoarding just don’t want to clean up — but in reality, it is usually a much deeper problem.

”You’re talking about adding hundreds and hundreds of pounds of fuel,” said Andy Olesen.

Andy Olesen, Assistant Fire Chief for the Cedar Rapids Fire Department said hoarding homes are especially difficult to fight fires in.

“Hoarding can kind of turn that whole process upside down. you might have a room that people would describe as filled with garbage up to your shoulders. And when you enter a …

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