"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
"Can the UN get much worse?" Hillel Neuer and Casey Babb / Inside Policy Talks
An Arctic strategy is the nation-building project Canada needs now: Madeleine Redfern and Sean Boyd

Letter: A partial list of the things that Donald Trump didnt do [Video]

Coal Industry News

As a follow-up to an excellent letter from Jackson Lader, I hereby submit a partial list of what Donald Trump didn’t do:

  • Never got Mexico to pay for a border wall

  • Never ended North Korea’s nuclear program

  • Never replaced the Affordable Care Act

  • Never protected Americans with pre-existing conditions

  • Never created an infrastructure plan

  • Never reached a solution for DACA Dreamers

  • Never banned ex-officials from becoming lobbyists

  • Never re-negotiated a “better” Paris climate deal

  • Never made coal great again

  • Never brought back the steel industry

  • Never solved the Afghanistan War (in 30 days or ever)

  • Never lowered prescription drug costs

  • Never protected MediCare and Social Security

  • Never brought down the national debt (actually added $6 trillion)

  • Never challenged Putin on Russian bounties for American soldiers

  • Never drained the swamp

And to think most Utahns support this do-nothing “all-talk-no-action” candidate.

Mike Parr, Sandy

Submit a letter to the editor

Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Canada at 157 – Lots to celebrate, but also to rethink: Stephen Nagy in the Japan Times