Oil and Gas Industry News

Letter: We need to start blaming the right culprits for inflation [Video]

You see many of the political ads stating inflation is due to President Joe Biden’s policies. Guess you’ve got to blame someone.

Since Covid, many corporations have increased the prices of their products (some, at the same time, shrinking their product). And yet, many amazingly report record profits.

Gas companies have reported record earnings, food producers also reported earnings beyond previous highs. Big Pharma has increased prices on drugs that have been in the pipeline for years, so by now the research and development costs have surely been met.

During this time of record profits and CEO pay increases and increased shareholder returns on investment, you have got to ask yourself: Is this truly inflation or are the corporations, CEOs, and shareholders just greedy and looking to pocket more money?

Then think about yourself. If you are now wanting to sell your house, did you really invest by upgrading your …

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