Battery Technology News

Meet Thermonator, a robotic dog equipped with a flamethrower [Video]

An Ohio company is now selling something we never knew we needed (and maybe it’s best that we didn’t) — a flamethrowing robotic dog.

The company Throwflame, self-described as a trailblazer in flamethrower innovation, has made its “Thermonator” available for anyone to purchase for $9,420.

The quadruped robotic dog is equipped with the company’s ARC flamethrower mounted to its back, which operates on a push-button plasma igniter instead of an open flame. The inferno has a 30-foot range and the whole contraption weighs just under 40 pounds and has a one-hour battery.

It can be operated remotely with WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity and features obstacle avoidance and first-person view navigation through a camera on the robot dog.

Thermonator, a robot dog equipped with a flamethrower and remote technology.

The company’s website says the flamethrowing robot dog is the first of its kind and can be used for wildfire management, prescribed burns, snow and ice removal or entertainment special effects.

And yes, it’s actually …

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