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Nuclear Weapons ‘Bedrock’ Of Labour’s Plan To Keep Britain Safe Says Keir Starmer [Video]

Nuclear Energy News

Nuclear Weapons ‘Bedrock’ Of Labour’s Plan To Keep Britain Safe Says Keir Starmer

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says the UK’s nuclear deterrent is the “bedrock” of his plan to keep Britain safe.

If elected, Labour said it will use defence procurement to strengthen UK security and economic growth.

The party hopes to direct British defence investment to British business first, with a higher bar set for any decisions to buy abroad.

In an interview with the i newspaper, Sir Keir confirmed his ambition was to boost the defence budget to 2.5% of GDP, if it fits with Labour’s fiscal rules.

During a visit to Barrow, where nuclear submarines are being built, Sir Keir is expected to focus on increasing jobs and skills in defence.

#keirstarmer #trident #barrow

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