Solar Energy News

Power agency pulls plug on renewable energy partnership [Video]

MILLCREEK, Utah — Rocky Mountain Power has pulled out of a partnership with Utah Renewable Communities, a group of communities along the Wasatch Front whose goal was to use 100% renewable energy by 2030.

“[RMP’s] announcement that they were going to discontinue [the partnership], at least temporarily until they reassess, that was kind of a disappointment,” said Jeff Silvestrini, Mayor of Millcreek.

Rocky Mountain Power pulled out of a deal with cities and towns in Salt Lake, Summit, and Grand Counties.

“They were on board with us and then, all of a sudden, they kind of shifted and said, ‘we’re not going to be acquiring any more renewable resources, so you’ll have to do that if you want to do that,’” said Silvestrini.

This makes it difficult for Utah Renewable Communities. The communities were reportedly counting on help from the power company when buying and negotiating the sales of renewable resources.

“They have the expertise to know what they’re looking for, what …

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