Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy in a quickly changing world / Jeff Kucharski / MLI in Parliament
Debunking Robert Reich’s debunking of economics: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post

Putin and Kim Jong Un take a limo joyride, exchange gifts during Pyongyang summit WPXI [Video]

Nuclear Energy News

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea for the first time in almost 25 years this week as he seeks to strengthen international relationships amid Russia’s war in Ukraine.

During a summit in Pyongyang on Wednesday, Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a strategic partnership agreement to strengthen their economic, military and nuclear energy ties, while also pledging mutual aid to one other if either country faces armed “aggression.”

Putin called it a “breakthrough document,” while Kim described the two countries as having a “fiery friendship,” the closest since Soviet-era times, according to the Associated Press.

The summit comes as the U.S. and its allies have increased concernsover the military cooperation between Russia and North Korea. North Korea has been accused of violating international law by transferring arms for Russia to use in its fight against Ukraine, in exchange for Russia’s help with military technology. Russia and North Korea have denied breaching the international sanctions against …

A small ally fights back against China and Russia’s threat to energy security / Jüri Seilenthal
A small ally fights back against China and Russia’s threat to energy security / Jüri Seilenthal
Foreign Interference in Canada – What we learned from NSICOP: Alexander Dalziel, Balkan Devlen, and Jonathan Berkshire Miller for Inside Policy Talks