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Remarkable Women: Becky Pollard [Video]

SALEM, Va. (WFXR) — People who know Becky Pollard say she is always working on “projects” to help others.

“I’ve never known anyone to give as much as her in both informal and formal capacities,” said Janet Harris.

Janet nominated Becky for WFXR’s Remarkable Women Contest.

She wrote, “She is actively in her second battle with a rare cancer and instead of feeling bad for herself she is pouring her energy into a nonprofit she established to ensure chemo patients have transportation to treatments. Who does something like that while actively fighting for their life? Becky does! That’s just who she is.”

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The nonprofit is named “Healing Wheels” and was started after Becky noticed that people were struggling to get transportation.

“I noticed there was a lady sitting next to me that had a little book and she was going through her book. She was trying to call people to come and …

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