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Researchers reveal Australian bushfires devastate aquatic life with ash [Video]

Climate Change News

By Stephen Beech via SWNS

Ash from deadly Australian bushfires is also killing aquatic life, warns new research.

Wildfire ash can have lethal consequences on Australian water ecosystems, say scientists.

While the impact of bushfires on terrestrial life has been well studied, research has only recently begun into the effects of ash from the infernos on aquatic organisms.

Scientists say wildfires are becoming increasingly prevalent due to the warming and drying effects of climate change – with Australia becoming especially vulnerable to dangerous bushfires.

Lead researcher Jenelle McCuaig, of the University of Alberta in Canada, said: “Many Australian species may be threatened by fires.

“This is putting them at greater risk of endangerment and possible extinction.”

She explained that wildfires release ash into the air, which can enter aquatic environments directly or be washed into bodies of water by rainfall.

McCuaig said: “Once in the water, ash may leach metals and organic combustion products, where they can affect organisms, acquired by …

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