Climate Change News

How Pakistan’s Water Crisis is Affecting Agriculture | DRM News [Video]

How Pakistan’s Water Crisis is Affecting Agriculture | DRM NewsFarmers in the small village of Mandianwala, Punjab, contend with sewage being dumped into their water supply, which is already unpredictable because of climate change. They are forced to use expensive tubewells for irrigation, and face several health risks. Their problem is emblematic of a wider issue; as climate change deepens and populations explode, farmers across the country must adapt to this dwindling water supply if they want to survive. SourcesHousing Societies in Punjab: Survey on the number of private tubewells:,15%25%20are%20electric%20tube%20wells.Hepatitis Prevalence in Punjab:,as%20compared%20to%20other%20districtsChemicals dumped in Sheikhupura canals found in Sheikhupura’s groundwater Syeda Amna Hassan, Zia Ur RehmanVideography, animation and video editing: Syeda Amna HassanVideo editing and animation: Abdul MuneebWe extend our thanks to the farmers of Mandianwala for sharing their story.DRM News brings comprehensive coverage of global affairs from a unique and unbiased perspective. At DRM News, we delve into the heart of crucial political developments, social issues, conflicts, and more, bringing you the unfiltered truth on the most pressing issues shaping our global landscape.DRM News YouTube Channel is managed by Dot Republic Media, All Copyrights Reserved. Subscribe to our channel for all the latest updates: #Mandianwala #Punjab #SewagePollution #WaterSupply #ClimateChange #Irrigation #Tubewells #HealthRisks #Agriculture #WaterScarcity #Adaptation #PopulationGrowth #SustainableFarming #WaterManagement #environmentalissues #RuralFarming #FarmingChallenges #pakistan #CleanWater #WaterCrisis #ClimateAction #SustainableAgriculture #EnvironmentalSustainability #RuralDevelopment #WaterQuality #SoilHealth #AgriculturalChallenges #WaterConservation #FarmersLife #ClimateResilience #EcoFriendlyFarming #GreenAgriculture #WaterPollution #SaveOurFarmers #GlobalWarming #RuralHealth #AgriTech #FarmersRights #WaterCrisis #ClimateAdaptation #RuralLife #SustainableAgriculture #CleanWater #EnvironmentalJustice #WaterPollution #AgriculturalChallenges #FarmersStruggles #WaterSecurity #GreenFarming #EcoFriendlyFarming #ResilientCommunities #WaterConservation #PublicHealth #WaterQuality #climateimpact #AgriculturalSustainability #FarmersWelfare #EcoIssuesHow Pakistan’s Water Crisis is Affecting Agriculture