Alternative Energy News

Tanya Plibersek addresses concerns over reliability of renewable energy [Video]

Tanya Plibersek addresses concerns over reliability of renewable energy

Environment and Water Minister Tanya Plibersek answered the concerns surrounding the reliability of renewable energy.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton announced the Coalition’s nuclear energy plan last week.

“Of course, we need to make sure we’re investing in batteries and transmission lines,” Ms Plibersek told Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell.

“Gas will have a role in the transition as well.

“I think it’s a bit farfetched to say that renewables are yet to be proven … Tasmania is pretty much 100 per cent renewables with its hydroelectricity, we’ve got south Australia that gets into very high rates of renewables on some days.

“But yeah, you have to firming and you have to have transmission lines as well.”

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