30% of Canadians face difficulties in navigating our healthcare system / MLI in Parliament
30% of Canadians face difficulties in navigating our healthcare system / MLI in Parliament
More turmoil at Statistics Canada: Philip Cross in the Financial Post

The Worst Climate Disaster You Havent Heard Of Just Got More Deadly [Video]

Climate Change News

In Mongolia, where nearly a third of the population still lives as nomadic herders, a winter so cold that livestock either freeze to death or starve as snow and ice make grazing impossible is called a “dzud.” These extreme seasons used to come once a decade. With climate change destabilizing the landlocked Asian country’s weather pattern, the dzud has haunted Mongolia for six of the last 10 years. 

In 2018, when a dzud wiped out roughly 700,000 livestock, it was a devastating record. Last month, the death toll for this winter eclipsed 2 million, as HuffPost reported at the time. Weeks later, that figure has nearly tripled. 

As of this week, at least 5.2 million animals have died since winter began, a particularly brutal event that combined the effects of two different types of dzud. 

This is still just the start of the catastrophe, as the die-off is expected to reach its peak sometime in early May. …

How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
Recognition of Palestinian state about politics, not law: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post