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TV weather expert reveals major error Scots make in the home that’s costing them thousands [Video]

Climate Change News

STV weather guru Jo Farrow says Scots are wasting thousands of pounds – by not drying their clothes outside all year round.

Across the UK it’s estimated that people spend £1bn using tumble dryers every year.

Tumble dryers cost up to £1bn a yearCredit: GETTY
Experts say you can hang washing out all year roundCredit: GETTY

But, despite our often chilly climate, Jo insists we should be hanging washing in the garden no matter the season.

She spoke out as a new online ‘daily drying forecast’ tool was launched, allowing people to pop in their address for an hour-by-hour guide to getting the laundry out.

Meteorologist Jo said: “I think as a nation we’ve slipped into being over reliant on tumble dryers and it’s not kind to our pockets.

“During the winter months, it’s very easy to get out of the habit of hanging your washing out on the line.

“Scotland can feel like it’s too wet or too windy …

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