Russian information and influence campaigns in CANADA / Marcus Kolga / MLI in Parliament
Russian information and influence campaigns in CANADA / Marcus Kolga / MLI in Parliament
Canada’s resource sector is being stifled by poorly designed regulations: Jack Mintz and Philip Cross in the Globe and Mail

Vaccine nanoparticles patented with inbuilt Cesium-137 and IP addresses controlled by external frequencies [Video]

Battery Technology News

Humans are being turned into batteries to fuel a Digital ID prison being built around us. There is a built-in kill switch for those who don’t comply with the technology. Israeli Doctor Ido Bachelet in a 2013 presentation said the nanobots had already been successfully developed in Israel. They can be successfully injected into the human body with a syringe.

Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy in a quickly changing world / Jeff Kucharski / MLI in Parliament
More turmoil at Statistics Canada: Philip Cross in the Financial Post