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1-megaton nuclear bomb could hit this US city if WW3 broke out [Video]

Nuclear Energy News

US government’s declassified documents, obfuscated for decades, have revealed that one of the country’s major cities would be the first to be obliterated if World War 3 kicks off.

The frightening disclosure reveals that Washington DC would be wiped out first in the case of the next World War 3 taking place.

Titled “General Nuclear War”, the docs disclosed that the city may get hit with a one-megaton thermonuclear bomb in a devastating surprise attack. The Pentagon will likely be the top target for the United States’ nuclear-armed enemies, reported Daily Mail.

Andrew Weber, former assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs, told the publication that a “Bolt out of the Blue attack against DC is what everyone in DC fears most. Bolt out of the Blue is how US Nuclear Command and Control refers to an unwarned large [nuclear] attack.”

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