How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
Who’s bankrolling anti-Israel demonstrations (excerpt): Casey Babb on Sky News Australia

Analyst talks about big range in prices seen at different gas stations in Edmonton and Calgary [Video]

Canadian Energy Price News

If you drive a car and live in one of Alberta’s two largest cities, you may have noticed this week that depending on the gas station, you could be seeing radically different prices for fuel — sometimes differing by up to 20 cents per litre.

“It has a lot to do with what I referred to many, many years ago — and I actually hashtagged it #gasbarshenanigans,” Dan McTeague, the president of Canadians for Affordable Energy and the man behind the website, told Global News on Wednesday.

“Gas stations today, to buy their fuel, with a wholesale price here in Edmonton of about 96 or 97 cents a litre, when you add all the taxes — federal, provincial, carbon taxes, and then you throw in the GST — you’re looking at about $1.43 (per lite) or $1.44 (per litre) to replace the fuel you’re selling.

“So if you’re selling …

Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
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