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Bull shark filmed Gymea Bay, Sydney [Video]

Climate Change News

A large bull shark has been spotted lurking in waters at southern Sydney, just a few metres from shore.

Video of the shark was posted on Instagram showing the predator in cloudy waters at Gymea Bay, about 30km south of the city centre.

The footage showed the predator swimming beneath what appeared to be a boat jetty.

This bull shark was spotted in waters just a few metres from shore off southern Sydney. (@brooke_vans) (Instagram)

Warmer sea temperatures over the past summer off Sydney have attracted more sharks to the city’s harbour and nearby waters.

Scientists say climate change is raising the warmth of the East Australia Current and helping to guide some species, including bull sharks, further south.

Shark attack expert Chris Peppin-Neff, from Sydney University, told earlier this year that studies showed bull sharks travel back and forth to the Brisbane River and Sydney Harbour during period of warm surface water …

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