Douglas Murray and Brian Lee Crowley: In Defence of Western Civilization
Douglas Murray and Brian Lee Crowley: In Defence of Western Civilization
The smoking gun for Canada’s weak economic growth? A collapse in energy and resource investment: Heather Exner-Pirot in the Hub

Call all Climate Journalists [Video]

Climate Change News

Call all Climate Journalists

Visit for the live stream of the entire newscast, or visit for a text transcript.

Climate Tracker is offering journalists from across the Caribbean region including Belize an opportunity to be a part of a journalism fellowship. The fellowship revolves around climate justice and aims to empower and assist committed climate journalists across the Caribbean in effectively covering climate justice issues. Successful applicants will receive one-on-one mentoring, a stipend for each story produced and international exposure. We spoke to the Regional Coordinator for Climate Tracker, Dizzanne Billy.

The harms of Covid policy: Aaron Wudrick and Kevin Bardosh
The harms of Covid policy: Aaron Wudrick and Kevin Bardosh
Canada Does a Poor Job Stewarding Our Energy Future: Nanos Research Poll