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Changing your smoke detector battery during time change [Video]

Battery Technology News

WILLIAMSTOWN, W.Va. (WTAP) – Daylight saving time is just right around the corner which means to check your smoke detector batteries.

It is encouraged to change your batteries in your smoke alarms when you set the clocks back or spring them forward.

It is a good way to remember when the last time you changed them was and to help encourage kids to remember as well.

The amount of smoke alarms in your house depends on the size of your house and if you need help, you can call your local fire department.

“Do it at least in the fall and in the spring. You know when you change your clocks it is kind of a fun thing to do, we try to get the kids to remember that it is a fun thing to aggravate their parents and get them to change the smoke detector batteries during those periods …

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