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Community cleans up crime-plagued neighborhood following fatal shooting [Video]

Alternative Energy News

On May 3, a 27-year-old man was shot and killed near a grocery store at 6th and Woodbine Streets.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — When it comes to cleaning up his neighborhood, Richard Brown isn’t slowing down.

“It’s drug-infested,” said Brown, who is CEO of M.U.S.T. (Men United Standing Together) in Harrisburg. “People using drugs in and out of these houses…the whole nine yards.”

Crime in the Governor’s Square neighborhood isn’t slowing down either.

“You have a lot of area around here where children need to play,” said Lamont Jones, Harrisburg City Council’s public safety chair. “I don’t think they should play where drugs are being sold, guns are being shot.”

“I grew up here,” said Brown. “I’ve got eight daughters and 23 grandkids. They’re scared to walk to the store.”

Antonio Grocery Store, that is. Just a couple of weeks ago, the store, located at 6th and Woodbine Streets, was wrapped …

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