How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
If journalism can’t aspire to report news without fear or favour, it will – and should – die: Peter Menzies for Inside Policy

Devastating impact of Baltimore bridge collapse being felt by US economy [Video]

Coal Industry News

Devastating impact of Baltimore bridge collapse being felt by US economy

The devastating impact of the Baltimore Bridge collapse is being felt by the United States economy.

CNN reporter Tommie Clark says 15,000 jobs “depend directly” on the port of Baltimore.

“More than 100,000 other jobs linked to it,” she said.

“The port handles billions of dollars worth of foreign cargo each year. It also manages heavy farm machinery, imported sugar and coal exports.

“The extent of the impact hinges on how long the channel is closed.”

Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
Canada’s Family Erosion