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Ellsworth clean-up events help beautify the city | Local News [Video]

Alternative Energy News

ELLSWORTH — Multiple volunteer-based beautification events happened in Ellsworth on Saturday.

Dozens of volunteers helped to clear Card Brook, the city’s urban stream, and others cleaned up sidewalks and businesses for the weekend after Earth Day.

Volunteers say it’s well worth the sweat.

“Well, we had perfect weather and a great group of people…just trying to make a small difference,” stated William Nelson, who’s been volunteering to clean Card Brook for around 10 years.

A volunteer congregation helped to clean up the local St. Joseph Catholic Church of Ellsworth.

“Not a lot of us are experts, but between the group, we have enough ability and background to get everything done, and it feels good,” said Tom Berglewicz, who co-coordinated the church clean-up.

Rick Sprague, who also co-coordinated clearing the church grounds, said the volunteers help to “Make St. Joseph look good, make our Mary Garden look good, and just keep the grounds looking great.”

The Ellsworth Moose Lodge held a free cook out for those that helped clean …

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