Hired by Gov. Tim Walz’s administration earlier this month, Irene Folstrom is the new Tribal Relations Director for one of Minnesota’s most important government agencies. (Courtesy photo from Minnesota DPS)

The new “Tribal Relations Director” for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) once told the Minnesota Legislature that the state would be “met with violence” if it approved the construction of Enbridge’s Line 3 oil pipeline replacement.

Hired by Gov. Tim Walz’s administration earlier this month, Irene Folstrom is the new Tribal Relations Director for one of Minnesota’s most important government agencies. In a press release, DPS said Folstrom would “help guide DPS’ efforts to learn from and connect with the 11 Tribal nations in Minnesota.”

Folstrom, who once claimedto have dated Tiger Woods in college, is a Native American and a member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. Prior to her hiring at DPS, Folstrom worked in government relations focusing on …