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Nuclear Power Makes No Sense for Australia But Its a Useful Diversion From Real Climate Action [Video]

Climate Change News

Opposition leader Peter Dutton argues Australia needs nuclear power to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

But nuclear power is not feasible for Australia. It is too slow, too expensive and inappropriate for our energy needs.

As a result, plans to build nuclear power plants, big or small, are completely unrealistic.

What’s more, insisting that nuclear power is the only answer to Australia’s net zero commitments is a classic move from the playbook of those who oppose urgent action on climate change. Coalition pushing for nuclear energy in Australia | 7.30.

These obstructionist tactics have played out over the 15 years I’ve spent teaching international and environmental politics while researching topics such as energy security and climate justice.

I developed an interest in the evolving strategies of climate change deniers in Australia, and regularly teach this in my environmental politics course. Since Dutton became opposition leader, I’ve included new strategies related to nuclear energy.

Fossil fuel industries and associated right-wing think-tanks, such as …

Russian information and influence campaigns in CANADA / Marcus Kolga / MLI in Parliament
Russian information and influence campaigns in CANADA / Marcus Kolga / MLI in Parliament
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