Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy in a quickly changing world / Jeff Kucharski / MLI in Parliament
Milei’s Big Swing: Jon Hartley for City Journal

Mexicos drought, heatwave and water shortage are so bad even police are blocking traffic in protest | KLRT [Video]

Climate Change News

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s drought, heatwave and water shortages have gotten so bad that even police blocked traffic in protest Wednesday.

In recent months, residents of some Mexico City neighborhoods have regularly taken to forming human chains to block boulevards to demand water. In April, complaints about contaminated water sparked a weeks-long crisis in one upscale neighborhood.

Normally, police seek to redirect traffic, but on Wednesday some officers were themselves manning a protest blockade, near the capital’s iconic Independence Monument.

The officers stood blocking six lanes of traffic, saying their barracks hadn’t had water for a week, and that the bathrooms were unusable.

“We don’t have water in the bathrooms,” said one female officer who would not give her name for fear of reprisals, adding that conditions in the barracks were intolerable. “They make us sleep on the floor,” she said.

The lack of water has worsened longstanding tensions …

ANTISEMITISM ON CAMPUS / Aaron Wudrick and Sydney Greenspoon
ANTISEMITISM ON CAMPUS / Aaron Wudrick and Sydney Greenspoon
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