How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
Memo to Canada – Talk less and listen more to the rest of the world: David Mulroney and Obianuju Ekeocha in the National Post

Re-MOO-able energy: Cow manure to become source of natural, utterly clean gas for Brookings [Video]

Solar Energy News

BROOKINGS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) — As scientists around the globe continue to search for ways to make the environment cleaner, farmers and energy industry leaders in South Dakota have found a new solution from one of the dirtiest places and least imaginable places.

Cow manure.

Cattle waste has never seemed less wasteful or more useful. Behold, the latest form of natural gas. The new renewable energy — Re-MOO-able energy.

On Monday in Brookings, about 50 such leaders gathered to celebrate a new way to keep the air clean that is truly “grassroots.” A ribbon cutting and ceremonial turning of the valve was staged to start the process of renewable natural gas (RNG) — a carbon-negative fuel, capturing methane that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere. Methane is 80 times more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide.

The event came on Earth Day, an annual global event intended to celebrate …

Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
Hon Tony Abbott in conversation with Brian Lee Crowley / MLI
Resources are still our golden goose. We need to protect them: Philip Cross and Jack Mintz in the Financial Post